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3 Surprising Factors That May Contribute to Bladder Issues

At Pelvicore Rehab, we take a total body approach. Why is this important? In order to get LONG TERM healing we need to treat what is DRIVING the pain.
Picture of About Susan Winograd
About Susan Winograd

Susan is the owner and founder of Pelvicore Rehab & Wellness. Susan earned a masters degree from the College of Staten Island in 1998. During her almost 30 years of experience, she has gained extensive knowledge in the treatment of various populations such as orthopedics, manual therapy, geriatrics, pediatrics and men/women's pelvic dysfunction and treatment of the pregnant and postpartum women.

Have you been struggling with bladder issues?

  1. Your liver: liver dysfunction can lead to bladder dysfunction
  2. Your vertebrae: back and spine pain is one of the most common symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction
  3. Your feet: there are muscle tissue connections that start in your toes, go through your leg, and connect up to your pelvic floor

At Pelvicore Rehab, we take a total body approach. Why is this important? To get long-term healing we need to treat what is DRIVING the pain

Remember, sometimes the cause of pelvic pain can be at a site distant from the pelvis…. such as …. a knee or a foot or a shoulder! So make sure you have an expert team behind you that will fully relieve your pain. Find pain relief today at Pelvicore Rehab. We take a whole-body approach to achieve healing.

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